It happens that the landlord does not allow to hang something on the walls, so as not to spoil their appearance. But this is not a reason to abandon the premises. It is necessary to install such equipment that will suit everyone. If you can’t drill holes in the walls to hang shelves, then you can simply put shelves on them. Another option is the falsity of the wall. They can be erected close to the main walls of the room, and equipped with shelves inside them, or make a mobile structure inside which you can move them, in accordance with the intended composition or the idea of placing goods.
(the picture is not the best example of the design of the refrigerator)
As a material for false walls, cinder blocks or drywall are well suited. The design must be robust, reliable and comfortable to operate and care for. You also need to think through the design of the design. Calculate everything and find a person who will be engaged in its construction.
Mirrors in the store. Which, how much?
Mirrors in a shopping area always look advantageous, especially in a working area. Reflection of the bouquet in the mirror helps to see the irregularities of its shape and correct it.
The design of mirrors or an entire mirror wall will be an indicator of the good taste of the store owner. People like to look in the mirror and watch others. A good move is to order a mirror in which any person will look slimmer. We need to think carefully about how it can be arranged so that customers stay with it longer.
Opposite the mirrors you can put bouquets. They will be reflected, an illusion will be created that the entire store is a large flower kingdom.
Very often, mirrors are placed in refrigerated rooms and hang them on the fixed rear walls. You cannot work with them, move or clean them; they are used as a background for flowers. But it is better to make them mobile, removable so that you can beat the design of the room. Mirrors can be removed, moved, placed in their place other elements, put multi-colored mirrors. All this must be carefully considered. Design does not have to be static. Everything can be changed.
It is necessary to think over all possible options and write down all the ideas that come to mind.
In the refrigerator, it is not necessary to arrange a whole mirror wall. You can hang mirrors in different shapes, colors and sizes across the wall. They can be moved in random order, removed and placed in their place other elements of the decor. You only need to think about where they will look the most profitable.
One more tip: write down on a piece of paper what kind of mirrors happen (shape, size, style) and which of them fit well into the concept flower shopwill be in harmony with all its other elements (furniture, lighting, accessories, floral arrangements and bouquets).
From my own experience I can say that large mirrors always smack more profitable than small ones. They attract customers like a magnet. The main thing is to consider them as a tool that helps to sell goods.