Many open flower shops, completely ignorant of the colors and nuances of the florist. People think that selling bouquets is simple and without education, without knowledge. In fact, I’ll tell you a secret that in the United States, businessmen and businessmen have long realized that the desire to sell flowers and make compositions by touch is not enough.
Education in this matter is very important, because in the first place you need to understand what you are doing and do it right. But in Russia, they are still practicing ordinary trade without knowledge of the matter.
Firstly florist a professional with knowledge of the business, always arouses more trust, and secondly, in order to earn a name and create your own brand, you just need to delve into the study of floristry.
Caring for flowers is not easy; you need to learn this. How to transplant flowers in pots, for example, is a whole technology. When you open such a business, you need to understand the range of colors, in their palette.
For a good turnover and profit, it is worth noting that knowledge of your product, from the point of view of botany or biology, is a priority, it will provide an opportunity to sell more, and also attract a stream of customers.
Flowers are a living commodity, so you need to sell them quickly, but you know, the success of our event depends on it. You also need to have an idea of how the market of competitors is arranged, how pricing is done - all this affects the development of the flower business!
When I came to the flower business, I did not possess any knowledge. I thought all this is easy, the rest is not important. Therefore, I learned from my mistakes, lost a lot of money and energy, had no profit and almost went out of business, then I realized that education is extremely important, and there is nothing to do in this business without special knowledge. At that time, when I started, no one could teach me what and how to do it right, at that time there was little subject literature, and even less teachers. Another thing today, for the beginning florist all doors are open, you can learn floristry and how to properly conduct the flower business.
The basic knowledge that a florist should have will facilitate his work in the future. You will also have to study the color, as the color scheme is important and has significant significance. To get a job in a flower shop in the USA, you must have a florist education, in Russia, of course, there are no such strict requirements, but knowledge will help in your work.
Florist is not just a seller of flowers, he is a professional in his field, and floristry is a whole science - this is art!
To the next page -> 5. My experience as a florist in Russia and the USA.